Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Get Well Soon AGAIN! Okay John, We're Ready for You to Come Home!

It is true-- John is back in the hospital. I don't have lots of details but to the best of my knowledge he went in on Monday night. And dang, I had just seen him Monday late afternoon at Cherrywood Coffee and he was looking and feeling fine. We are all wishing John a super speedy and chill recovery. Feel free to leave your get well haikus and good wishes in the comment section or email them to and I'll post 'em for you. To start off the next round, here's a note from the folks at Zach Scott Theatre:

Dear John,

From all of the actors, singers, artists, designers, technicians, staff and Board of Directors at ZACH Theatre, we wish you a speedy recovery.  You are a Texas Treasure.  Your support and contributions to Austin’s Arts community are truly immeasurable.  We look forward to having you back at the studio mic as soon as possible!  And, remember to lean in close ;-)

Your friends at ZACH Theatre


  1. Dear John,
    I wish you a speedy recovery! I miss sharing my Classical CD's with you and hearing your amazing singing in the stairwell!

    Suzanne Warmack~ @ KMFA

  2. Spike here passing along another good wish that was sent in:

    Its not just Austin that misses you John. We miss in Waelder, Texas too.

    Get well soon. You are a big part of getting us off to a good start every morning.

    Thanks for years of enjoyment, songs that I never would have heard anywhere else, and for all the musical facts that I never knew.


    I miss hearing about your plants too.

  3. Dear John,

    Eklektikos brightens my day like no other, and it just doesn't feel the same driving to school or work and not hearing your voice. Your music, your commentary on that music and your life, well, it's become part of my life, and I really hope you get well soon and are able to get back to work because I think all of Austin really misses you.


  4. Posting on behalf of Riki:

    To John Aielli: Yes, there is something rotten in Denmark - I work in "Denmark" and see so much
    that could be better - but we do save lives. And I'm so glad you are well. To your continued
    strength and happiness. Riki Dunn (Yoga Therapist/I-Ching enthusiast)
